Saturday 18 February 2017

Why The Future Is Corporate

Later this century the world will be increasingly run and governed by corporations.

Here's why.

The "nation state" no longer exists. It was replaced by the "welfare state" in the 20th century.

Instead of creating wealth, people have been voting for wealth.

People think a tick in a box on election day gives them power.  It just gave them the power to create more government debt to buy their vote.

Everyone's pension relies upon the health of corporations.

Governments are desperate to lure corporations to their country for the jobs they create.

Corporations have many advantages over other legal entities.

Corporations are supported by both governments and consumer spending power.

Corporations operate far more efficiently than welfare states.

Corporations make a profit when people vote for them when they buy a product or service.

Corporations don't need countries but countries need corporations.

Corporations hire the smartest people.

Corporations gain real time information about the world.

Corporations only invest in productive resources.

Corporations supply equipment to the world's military and police forces.

Corporations can own things including ideas.

By the end of this century, or earlier, the welfare state will be bankrupt and the world's resources will be owned and operated by corporations.

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